Posts tagged giveaway
Smile Giveaway!

Today, I'm pleased to announce the first SMILE GIVEAWAY CONTEST! Little Willow, over at, wants to hear your most embarrassing dental story! You can submit the story as an essay, a comic, an illustration, a photo, a web video...anything you like! Best of all, the stories can be true or false, so anyone can enter (even those of you lucky enough to have never had any dental drama in your lives)!

The contest will run until February 28, so you've got a bit of time to come up with your entry. Have fun with this! I'm helping to judge at the end, so I'll get to see all of the entries, too. I can't wait.

In addition to the contest, LW is also collecting quotes from some of her readers, answering the question, "What makes you smile?" I gave the first answer, and this link will continue to update with more answers throughout the month. Have a look! :)