Raina's Recommendations for Stay-at-Home Activities!
Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and staying at home while we get through these uncertain times together. I wanted to take a minute to share three suggestions for how to pass the time while we’re all at home!
Check out Scholastic’s Learn At Home resource page, which contains great lessons and fun activities that can be done at home! They have created pages for Pre-K all the way through 9th grade, but there are fun things included that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
2. See if your library card allows you to rent eBooks! Many libraries partner with services like Overdrive or Hoopla, which may allow you to check out graphic novels and comics to read on your computer, phone, or tablet! The image above shows Newberry Medal Winner New Kid, by my friend Jerry Craft, available to check out via Hoopla!

3. Draw something! I’ve been participating in the #ThisMakesMeHappy #TMMH hashtag on my Instagram, focusing on positives and drawing the things in my day that bring me joy. What makes you happy at home? Is it time with your parents? Your pets? Face-timing with your friends and family? Draw it! You’ll be grateful to have your memories to look back on later.
Oh, and one more suggestion: Keep smiling! Things may seem strange or uncertain right now, but I believe we will get through this together!