SVA Panel Event in NYC, 4/1!
SVA Presents:
STRONG FEMALE PROTAGONISTS: A Panel Discussion Featuring Women in Comics
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
3rd Floor Amphitheatre
209 East 23rd Street, New York City
This event brings together a diverse group of internationally recognized creators and editors for a discussion of the history and dynamics of women working in American comics. Panelists include women creators and editors of different generations including Raina Telgemeier, creator of Smile and Drama; Diane Noomin, creator of Glitz-2-Go and editor of the Twisted Sisters anthologies; Shelly Bond, Executive Editor of Vertigo comics; Alitha Martinez, a penciller and inker who has worked on Marvel’s Iron Man, X-men, Black Son, Fantastic Four, and the Black Panther and currently WWE Superstars for Papercutz. They will discuss the role of women in comic narratives, career advice, and personal history, followed by Q&A.
Registration is required and space is limited. RSVP at Questions? Contact or 212-592-2370.