Thanks, Cherry Hill!
I had a great couple of days in Cherry Hill, NJ, earlier this week! I got to speak with 800 middle school students, and workshop with nearly 300 of them, over the course of two full days.
The school held a special lunch on day 2, for kids who wrote an essay saying why they wanted to meet me. What a great group! Everyone had terrific questions, and I had a lot of fun talking with them. It was the middle of Spirit Week, so this was taken on 'Flashback Day'--hence all the tie-dye! I promised them I'd post this photo on my site--so here it is! Can you spot me among the students?! People are often surprised by how short I am. I think I've been the same height (5'2") since I was 14!
My next stop is the suburbs of Chicago next week, where I'm visiting two middle schools and a high school Lit Fest. I won't have time for any extra events while I'm there, I'm afraid--I fly in, and work till the moment I fly out. EDIT!! I do have one public event, but you need to be in grades 6 - 12, and you have to sign up in advance. Workshop at Algonquin Middle School, Des Plaines, IL. Thursday, March 22! All participants in the workshop will receive a free copy of Smile!
My next public event is in Brooklyn: Sunday, April 1, I will be joining some of the other authors from NURSERY RHYME COMICS for a reading and signing at The Community Bookstore! That's at 143 Seventh Avenue in Park Slope. Event starts at 11 AM, hope you can make it!
That's all for now. Don't forget, you can add DRAMA to your Goodreads shelf, and you can pre-order it, too!