Upcoming: Books of Wonder, Store Event!

WOW. What a wonderful time we had in both Chicago and Portland...there is so much to say, and so many people to thank, but it'll have to wait for another post. In the meantime, I want to tell you about an event I've got on Saturday, May 1!

I'm taking part in a fun teen and tween author event at Books of Wonder, one of the best independent bookstores I've ever visited! Here is a rundown of the details:

Teen and Tween Author Event With Deborah Wiles, Daniel Ehenhaft, and Raina Telgemeier Saturday, May 1 Noon - 2 PM Books of Wonder 18 West 18th Street New York, NY

We'll be speaking panel-style, talking about our respective works, and signing books! There will be plenty of copies of Smile for one and all. After you get your book signed, stick around and have a cupcake from the store's adjoining Cupcake Cafe!

Raina Telgemeier