Signed Copies of My Books!

I mentioned this already, but it merits its very own blog post! You can now order signed copies of my books from my local indie bookstore, Green Apple Books! Visit their Upstream page, order some books, and shipping is only 99 cents via USPS! (They ship international, too.) Each book has a signature and a drawing, so they make wonderful gifts. IMG_1931Photo credit: Ashley Despain

Upstream is a movement where authors partner with local independent bookstores, to encourage readers to support small businesses. Green Apple has been a San Francisco institution for decades, and it's just the sort of quirky, welcoming, community-oriented place an author like me wants to work with. They've been good to me over the years, and have hosted me for several great events, and I am happy to continue this relationship.

Thanks for your support! Happy reading!

Raina Telgemeier